3D Mapping

3D Mapping

  3D Mapping impressively shows the revolutionary possibilities of moving images produced by modern equipment.

Large Scale Projections

Large Scale Projections

  Facts and information about our projectors &  accessories can be found here. Data sheets, manuals and everything else surrounding large image projections.

Pani RLS

Pani RLS

  Pani RLS is a revolutionary new form of lighting entire film sets. With only one (or various) beams and the according reflectors, entire film and / or video/photosets can be enlighted easily and beautifully.

  • 3D Mapping

    3D Mapping

  • Large Scale Projections

    Large Scale Projections

  • Pani RLS

    Pani RLS

Pani News


Pilatus Projektion 2015

 4  x BP6 mit Karusellwechsler und BOS Blende die mittels DMX Programmierung zur speziell für den Pilatus komponierter Musik die „Eselswand“ in Szene setzen.





Click for Gallery


Kantonschule Olten






Click for Gallery


EZB Building Frankfurt

Light Festival Berlin 2014

Light Festival Cascais 2014
Artist Teresa Mar

Leichtathletik EM 2014 - Opernhaus Zürich

Cineastic Gondolas 2013






Artists: Anja Huwe/Jim Avigon/Miss Nico


Cascais/Portugal 2013

 From Sept 13-15th, 2013 the first ever Lumina Light Festival happened with more than 250:000 visitors in Cascais / Portugal. For 3 nights, the light & the sea transformed the historic center of Cascais into an innovative cultural experience. More that two dozen artists transformed Cascais into an open air art GALLERY

Café Landtmann

Vienna Downtown

1. - 31.12.2013

recent installations






   We found PANI to be our perfect partner for the realisation of our large scale projections. Especially sensible projections onto the art history and nature history museums at the Vienna Maria-Theresien-Platz show their year long technical experience as well as their cultural empathy. We have met PANI as a very trustworthy partner. The yearly positive feedback of our clients is an affirmation of a harmonic relation- and partnership.

Mag Christian Klement
MAGMAG - event and communication agency

   Over the long years of our cooperation with clients, we have come to be real partners and friends - and we are proud of that.
What I especially value about the PANI team is that I have never yet heard "no" or "impossible". Quite on the contrary they were able to launch even our craziest ideas.
After a perfect consult, the job often turned out even crazier and better than originally expected - but completed perfectly.
Thank you and everlasting loyalty to the PANI team!

Andy Gaiser
AGCO Holding GmbH
Asset Networks GmbH

   It has been an awesome experience to work with the PANI team over the past 25 years. During this time we have been able to partner in numerous projects both in permanent and temporary installations. While the products have undergone some changes over the years, the basic concept of a large format image continues to be the main stay of their business. ...

Ralph Felten, Jr.
General Manager
Atlas Specialty Lighting Tampa, FL

Movelight established itself in outdoor advertising in 1991 and is specialized in advertising projections of any size and form.
We are proud that we enlarged our portfolio also through the very intense and professional work relationship with PANI. Their technical equipment is very highly developed and suits any also long term operation. ...

Peter Thim

The Leopold museum is beautifully suitable for large scale projections due to its clear and cubic form - it is a perfect canvas.
We like to light its facade at night for important events such as exhibition openings - projecting art masterpieces. ...

Tina Zelenka - Leopold museum

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PANI Projection and Lighting Vertriebs GmbH; Heissgasse 6; 1230 Vienna; phone: +43 1 521 080
© 2014 Pani Projection And Lighting Vertriebs GmbH