3D Mapping

3D Mapping

  3D Mapping impressively shows the revolutionary possibilities of moving images produced by modern equipment.

Large Scale Projections

Large Scale Projections

  Facts and information about our projectors &  accessories can be found here. Data sheets, manuals and everything else surrounding large image projections.

Pani RLS

Pani RLS

  Pani RLS is a revolutionary new form of lighting entire film sets. With only one (or various) beams and the according reflectors, entire film and / or video/photosets can be enlighted easily and beautifully.

  • 3D Mapping

    3D Mapping

  • Large Scale Projections

    Large Scale Projections

  • Pani RLS

    Pani RLS



Beeing able to offer all services from one office and with one team is what makes PANI special. Customers have competent partners on all levels of necessary service – from audio to lighting, pyrotechnics, projection as well as creation of content.
All this is what the young, dynamic team likes to do on a daily basis.
The staff  is used to developing and executing projects in Austria and abroad.
The PANI team & partner network is happy to answer any questions and looks forward to new challenges. 


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PANI Projection and Lighting Vertriebs GmbH; Heissgasse 6; 1230 Vienna; phone: +43 1 521 080
© 2014 Pani Projection And Lighting Vertriebs GmbH