little Helpers




This calculating tool is a utility

• to determine the required projection lens (1)
• the required size of an element on the slide (2)
• the projection distance on given picture size (3)
• the reached picture size on given projection distance (4)
Fill in the mentioned values and press the button in the respective
field at the buttom left.




This calculating tool is a utility

• to determine the required projection objective lens and
• the max. width of the projection.




Here you find electronic slide templates (18x18cm and 24x24cm)
as an utility to get useful printable or exposable data files
in a short time. Insert the desired picture in the right size
The template is provided for a printing or exposing resolution of
400 respectively 300 pixel/inch. This causes satisfying results
in projection, depending of the projection surface. Note the labellings!

template joomla by JoomSpirit

PANI Projection and Lighting Vertriebs GmbH; Heissgasse 6; 1230 Vienna; phone: +43 1 521 080
© 2014 Pani Projection And Lighting Vertriebs GmbH