Pani RLS





The development of more and more sensitive emulsions and/or chips requires a redefinition of the film lighting. Illumination is more and more designing instead of a necessity. 

Being aware that not only technologies but also methods of directing and acting evolve, the development of new tools becomes a challenge. 

The REFLECT LIGHTING SYSTEM "RLS" represents an ideal system on sets in combination with available light and a perfect complement to the conventional studio lighting.

In order to modulate – the alteration of physical characteristics like quality, quantity, shape and direction – the light that is projected onto a scene, contemporary cinematographers place several items between the light sources and the actors as well as decors. 

In doing this with gels, foils, flags, cutters, cinematographers reduce inevitably the efficiency of lighting. Because of these facts, it is usually necessary to use large luminaries with unpleasant space restriction, glare and heat on the set, and obviously higher power consumption. Furthermore, a large array of stands and grip material obstructs the space needed by the director, the actors and the cinematographer to visualise the script.


The idea behind the PANI RLS is to avoid diminishing the light by “obstacles” and to replace these tools by special reflectors. These reflectors can influence dramatically the shape and structure of light that reaches the scene. To obtain the best possible efficiency and a really new quality of light , it is paramount to place the special reflectors into parallel light beams.

Therefore, the PANI RLS is composed by a special luminarie, the PANIBEAM 1200 W HMI parallel beamer and an assortment of specially calculated laminations, the PANIFLECTORS.

With the Beamer and laminations calculated by the Bartenbach Laboratory of Light, cinematographers can create any desired effect. These small laminations are precisely measured reflection medias, which, through fine structuring and high-tech coatings, define the light distribution as well as the light modulation. 


That qualities allow you to create a light characteristic not only from hard to soft but even from round to elliptic from fill to hard effects, everything you need with a very high efficiency from 80 to 90 % reflection value.

So all in all you find with the PANI RLS a slim, lightweight and power saving lighting system which gives you a new freedom on the set and will change the working methods positively not only for the DOP, but also for actors and directors.


Let's play billiard with the light by multiple reflections, just like the sun!

PANI Projection & Lighting is developer and producer and distributes the system worldwide in cooperation with partners.



The PANI RLS was developed over the years. Based on our experiences in the cooperation with users and clients (DoPs, gaffers, film-lighting rental companies, producers,..) we have developed the PANI RLS step by step. The PANI RLS brought significant innovations as well as improvements compared with all old systems. 

The system won the Innovation Price of the Austrian Economy (Chamber of Commerce, Vienna), the Merkur 2010 City of Vienna.


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PANI Projection and Lighting Vertriebs GmbH; Heissgasse 6; 1230 Vienna; phone: +43 1 521 080
© 2014 Pani Projection And Lighting Vertriebs GmbH