Airporttower Vienna


21,1 million passengers
10 million visitors
9 million pick ups

40 million overall contacts

1300 Wien, airport Vienna

Projection size
appr. 3.800 m²

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Composition of passengers

9 million (43%) business travellers - decision target audience

Average age 30 - 50 years

Strong buying power

Average time spent at the airport 100 minutes

12,1 million (57%) private travellers - the consumer target audience

All ages and structures

Willing to spend and open minded

Average time spent at the airport 123 minutes

19 million pick ups and guests - the target audience for the basins

Basin Austria and adjoining countries

Especially well advertised on the outdoor compound.

Reasons for communication at the airport

Very attractive and well earning target groups

Local and international audience

High will to spend money combined with over average net income per household

Positive acceptance with travellers

Target groups vary depening on purpose of travel, time and airport

Advertising by target audience:

Long waiting hours
Target groups such as lounge guests can be reached specifically
High valued advertising space
Short noticed campaigns possible as well as longlasting corporate campaigns
Additional notice through promotion and inflight media

Important points for airport advertising in general and especially the Vienna airport tower:

Important media number for marketing is the media income per passenger
At the airport, this number is 50 cent per passenger and is therefore comparable e.g. to movie advertising.

Real spending at the Vienna airport appr. € 20 mio/year.

Reasons to advertise:

Uniqueness (eye catcher)
Light /moving objects preferred
Creating Brand Awareness
Value of rememberance with consumer > 67%
(source: Airportstudie)

Outdoor airport advertising works well when it is current, unique and new.

Further attractiveness of the tower through the ney Sky Link terminal
270 degrees of visibility and message!

Airport advertising works even if valid market research is yet rather new. The USP's speak for themselves.
Interesting target audiences have enough time to consume advertising messages in an attractive environment.
These are created best at an airport.
(© Dr. Jürgen Zetzsche, Airport Advertising Airport Düsseldorf)

Advertising pro's already see airports as important stages for a long time to communicate with highly wooed management consumers as well as wealthy private travellers.
Almost no other communication platform has gained so much importance over the last years.

Ten years ago an airplane was merely an expensive travelling alternative to busses and trains. Today it is the # 1 means of transport, even for shorter distances inside of Germany or Austria. The cheaper the flights get, the more passengers arrive - plus 25 % in the last six years alone.

45,7 % of business passengers are from the german speaking areas.
They use the plane at least 4 times a year due to AWA researches.
A high percentage of them even use a plane at least 10 times a year, mainly for business.
An over average net income makes them the number one target audience, to be reached best at airports.
Here is where they have time to see and consume.
The average time spent at the airport from arrival to boarding is 123 minutes.

This long time also happens with private travellers, especially going abroad on vacation. They are as interesting because everyone - including wealthy people - prefer not spending too much on flights, but may still be willing to spend on other things.
© Dr. Jürgen Zetsche

The size of the airport advertising space is also what makes it so attractive.
Outstanding installations such as the Vienna airport tower or the BMW grill in Munich are not feasible at many locations.
This advertising is highly attractive, booking is possible in various clusters and on its way to establish itself as mainstream.
It gives room for standard as well as individual campaigns.

Regional as well as national and international customers are reached.


Studies give an idea about its effectiveness.
Half of the questioned passengers at Frankfurt airport remembered airport advertising. 82% of them even recalled precise content. (Study Facts 2008 -
This effectiveness of campaigns was asked for by the Hamburg airport. More than 80% remembered a special BMW campaign. Only 3 % felt disturbed by airport advertising.
70% liked the topicality of advertising content.
All free studies and inquiries show the capacity of airport advertising in areas such as brand awareness, recognititon and sales promotion.

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PANI Projection and Lighting Vertriebs GmbH; Heissgasse 6; 1230 Vienna; phone: +43 1 521 080
© 2014 Pani Projection And Lighting Vertriebs GmbH