Austro Control Building Vienna

Projection: 300 m² advertising space
6000 Watt – up to 12 different motives possible

More than 1,5 million cars /month during projection time

Why advertise on the autobahn / freeway?

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The autobahn / freeway: adrenaline, emotion, atmosphere of departure, anticipation...hardly any other place is as emotionally loaded as the freeway.

In addition, people on the freeway are extra attentive - is there any better place for your message?

Advertising space on unique buildings alongside the freeway makes your message visible.

You create an inimitable and highly visible appearance.


Does a message exist if it is not seen? The most exciting story looses its meaning when it is not heard.

Advertising only makes sense if it is reasonable.

The consumer steers directly towards your message. By the perfect viewing angle your brands' message becomes highly visible and sustainable.


A star does not like to share the spotlight. The more often the appearance, the more popular the star.

This also applies to your message. In an unrivaled environment, your brand stands out alone and enjoys the consumers' sole attention.

We can offer advertising space all over Austria for monthly / yearly (or other times) rentals.

Copyright ARGE Autobahn advertising

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PANI Projection and Lighting Vertriebs GmbH; Heissgasse 6; 1230 Vienna; phone: +43 1 521 080
© 2014 Pani Projection And Lighting Vertriebs GmbH